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What's the event title?

Type or select a suggestion

    Type of event

    • Information type 'Group event'

      By requesting the availability (Yes, Maybe, No) per person, you will find the most appropriate time to meet.

      Events with a 'Group event' type often include 'Meetings', 'Dinners', 'Trips' and 'Weekend Out'.

    • Information type 'Roster'

      By requesting availability (Yes, Maybe, No) per person, you can schedule them for the dates they are needed and available.

      Events with a 'Roster' type often include 'Staff schedules', 'Volunteer schedules', 'Care schedules', 'Visiting schedules', 'Competitions'.

    • Information type 'Attendance (RSVP)'

      Because you're going to request the attendance (Yes, Maybe, No) per person, you know exactly who's attending or not.

      For this type of event, you don't set a final date. The dates you specify are therefore not proposals but definitive dates.

      Events with a 'Attendance (RSVP)' type often include 'Birthdays', 'Parties', 'BBQ's', 'Game nights' and 'Trainings'.

    • Information type 'Registration'

      The invitees can make a reservation (only 'Yes') for the (still) available days and/or times you have specified. This will give you a clear (restricted) guest list.

      For this type of event, you don't set a final date. The dates you specify are therefore not proposals but definitive dates.

      Events with a 'Registration' type often include 'Conversations', 'Visiting arrangements', 'Courses' and 'Workshops'.

      Maximum number of entries (optional)

      Per date
      Per participant


    Select one or more documents and press Upload (max size 10 MB in total).

    Please refer to our privacy and cookie statement for more information on how we handle personal data.

    Which dates do you suggest?

    Select one or more start dates  

    Add recurring dates

    Would you like to suggest a time?

    Set a time or make the whole day available.

      Extra information?

      Add a location or poll



      Who are you?

      Create event as guest

      You can modify your name and email address here

      We guarantee your privacy and won't share your personal data with third parties.


      Do you have an account? Then you can also log in.

      Which cover picture do you want to use?

      Select a picture or upload one

      Select a picture from Unsplash or upload one

      Organized by

      Who do you want to invite?

      Add participants or send invites using link  

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